World Fair Trade Day

World Fair Trade Day was a wonderful Saturday of celebrating Fair Trade people and the cultures of the world!  We're tickled to get to share $839 worth of Fair Trade to 30 recipients who registered for our give-away drawings.  

We only wish that we could gift every single person who came in the doors and through our site!

w/great appreciation ~ Amy Kay


Melody Hinnerkamp - necklace and earrings
Erin (looks like a sweet little one's hand writing) - dove necklace with Guatemalan hat
Hannah Boaz - bracelet and necklace
Carla Eshleman - earrings and necklace
Tim Randall - Table Runner
Whitney Sjostrom - necklace and earrings
Megan Wilson - bracelet and earrings 
Lee Becker - necklace and bracelet
Kay Gross - necklace and earrings
Olivia Hamilton - bracelet and earrings
Kristen Hager - necklace, bracelet and earrings
Anne Strecktus - necklace, bracelet and summer hat
Sue Untz - necklace, bracelet and earrings
Mike Diaz - necklace and leather bracelet
Jayme Keyser - bracelet and earrings
Jon O'Neal - necklace and leather bracelet
Gail Klostermeyer - earrings and necklace
Pat Gatz - necklace and bangle
Heather Matter - necklace, bracelet and earrings
Marion Steichen - necklace and bangle 
Tammi Joe - bag and bracelet
Jessica Lindshield - bracelet and earrings
Bill Highe - lunch bag
DiAnna Gray - cotton and silk stole and bracelet
Trent Laskowski - table runner
Lucy Kollhoff - bracelet and earrings
Mandi Hamilton - silk scarf
Patty "Pick Me"  - bracelet and earrings
Lisa Guinn - bracelet and earrings
Cecilia Couttas - cotton and silk stole

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